Juicy Saliff first produced in 1990. Some say it doesn’t work very well, even Starck is rumoured to have said: “It’s not meant to squeeze lemons, it is meant to start conversations.”
Squeezer Attack Sketch
Starck had been in an italian restaurant eating seafood, when he looked at the octopus on his plate, then at the lemon in his hand.
He wiped his mouth with a napkin and - prestol - on the greasy nanpkin he drew the squeezer.
He immediately rushed out and showed the napking to the owner of the Alessi company.
Concept Map
Each word or concept is related to the lemon squeezer, throught its history since its origin in United States in 1860 its shape has been evolving ever since, up to a simple or useful shape, messure and practicality, it has from a handwork kitchen tool as so an erotic object.
Cover books
EMOTIONAL DESIGN, DONALD A. NORMAN, Why we love (or hate) everyday things
D.E.S.I.G.N. Author: Ewa Solarz. Illustrator: Aleksandra and Daniel Mizielinsk
DECONSTRUCTING PRODUCT DESIGN, by William Lidwell and Gerry Manacsa
exploring the form, fucntions, usability , sustainability, and commercial success of 100 amazing products
ABC - Alphabet
These words were selected based on the blog, the research, the story, characteristics, materials, origin countries and some important icons as the lemon squeezer of Philippe Starck that is one of the famous objects in industrial design.
How is it made?
Before the industrialization, probably in places where was harder to get this kind of kitchen elements, most of them were easier to be made at home, as wood work or ceramic work, hand made. the next videos will show how few of them were made in a "easy" way...
lemon squeezer in wood |
Ceramic lemon squeezer
Throwing a Citrus Juicer Part. 1
Throwing a Citrus Juicer Part. 2
Lust - Lujuria - Lussuria - Capital Sin
The meaning of Lust (carnal "luxuria") based on wikipedia encyplopedia is an emotion or feeling of intense desire in the body. The lust can take any form such as the lust for knowledge, the lust for sex or the lust for power. It can take such mundane forms as the lust for food as distinct from the need for food. Lust is a powerful psychological force producing intense wanting for an object, or circumstance fulfilling the emotion.[1] Many religions separate the definition of passion and lust by further categorizing lust as type of passion for something that does not belong to oneself.
The erotic design even in Architecture is something that in a way is hidden in our own desings specially when it has a sexual meaning like lemon squeezer, looking for pictures related i found something curious, is a sexual posistion and it has its own sexual definition:
A Lemon Squeezer is defined as a prison inmate who masturbates frequently. Whether your guests know this or not when enjoying the finest of tea and scones one afternoon will be a revelation in itself and a titillating conversation starter.
It is made from red earthenware with onlaid gold leaf decoration
Affordable Art Fair 2009 - Lemon Squeezer by Conor Wilson (Transistor gallery)
Affordable Art Fair 2009 - Lemon Squeezer by Conor Wilson (Transistor gallery)
Juicy Salif citrus squeezer in aluminum by Philippe Starck in 1990
Sexy Venus citrus juices by Antevanilla
2 juicy, by suck UK, lemon squeezer, made of stainless steel, double design
Erotic chair, clearly with double function for those open mind
I should have quit you, long time ago.
I wouldn't be here, my children, down on this killin' floor.
I should have listened, baby, to my second mind
Everytime I go away and leave you, darling, you send me the blues way down the line. Said, people worry I can't keep you satisfied.
Let me tell you baby, you ain't nothin but a two-bit, no-good jive.
Went to sleep last night, worked as hard as I can,
Bring home my money, you take my money, give it to another man.
I should have quit you, baby, such a long time ago.
I wouldn't be here with all my troubles, down on this killing floor. Squeeze me baby, till the juice runs down my leg.
The way you squeeze my lemon, I'm gonna fall right out of bed.
I'm gonna leave my children down on this killing floor.
I'm gonna leave my children down on this killing floor.
The first and the last
The first
wooden lemon squeezer
Dublin, Republic of Ireland, Trinity College, 1857
During Class Day in 1857, a senior named William Niles presented a wooden lemon squeezer to the Class of 1859 as recognition of the sophomores’ “aggregate excellence in scholarship” and “moral character.” From that day forward, every Class Day included a ceremonial passing down of the lemon squeezer to the rising class that proved the most popular. It didn’t take long for a “spirited rivalry” to build between first-years, sophomores, and juniors.
It is not a secret than the first tool to squeeze a lemon was our own hands, up to the human being found the way to improve this activity through the history
End of the 19th century a large number of patents filed on a novel lemon squeezers. to date (june 2007) listed in the United States patent and trademark office, over 200 patents for lemon squeezers, the majority of these patents pending between 1860 and 1910
L.S. Chichester 1860
The oldest U.S. patent was on the 3rd of Lewis S. Chichester Signed in July 1860. It was a pincer-shaped model made of cast iron. After the specification of the model Chichester over conventional presser was to operate with less effort.
G. R. Wilson, Jr. 1886
This lemon squeezer was made in iron, having a penknife, such a way the user puts the lemon in it pressing the top agains it, the lemon could get easily cut in two pieces and its juice could fall to the container in this case a glass.
J. A Hurley 1887
This design as we can see, becomes to change its design, its shape, size, and complexity, using a antirust material, iron, and probably bigger, than the one before, the Hurley lemon squeezer use a mechanic system, based in arm, articulation and pression, changing the penknife on the bottom of the arm, leaving a crib intended for the whole lemon
W.O. Dunlap 1890
the lemon squeezer from W.O Dunlap, from what i can appreciate was made in two different materials, wood (the base) and iron, not too much different from the other ones, this juicer press, has a long arm, that press the lemon against the penknife, with a leaky surface, just is not clear if that part is removable, or how i fill the glass with the juice i squeezed.
C. W. Barrett 1893
J. T. White 1896
C. Morgan 1898
E. Walker 1897
P. Filler 1910
F. Carroll 1915
Art Deco. Christofle. France 1920
Dublin, Republic of Ireland, Trinity College, 1857
During Class Day in 1857, a senior named William Niles presented a wooden lemon squeezer to the Class of 1859 as recognition of the sophomores’ “aggregate excellence in scholarship” and “moral character.” From that day forward, every Class Day included a ceremonial passing down of the lemon squeezer to the rising class that proved the most popular. It didn’t take long for a “spirited rivalry” to build between first-years, sophomores, and juniors.
In 1895, tipped off (and
ticked off) that the squeezer was going to the Class of ’97, representatives of
the Class of ’96 staged a brazen theft of the squeezer from the speaker’s
podium, triggering a free-for-all, cross-campus chase that ended with a ’96 man
galloping away with the squeezer on horseback. Over the next century, more
substitute squeezers were stolen and replaced and re-stolen than we can count.
The latest version of the lemon squeezer makes its only appearance during
Convocation, when the College president squeezes a fresh lemon to make a toast
to the incoming class, followed by lemonade for all.
Summery of the history
The oldest lemon squeezer was invented in turkey in
Kutahya city and found from the first quarter of the 18th century, these
ceramic presses in the typical style of Turkish pottery having a
superficial resemblance to today's conventional appliances with cone, but are
constructed differently. The cone is hollow and perforated at the
base.Inside it contains a column, which terminates in a hole at the bottom of
the press, thanks to this contruction the juice flow to the container base when
the juice level has reached a certain level and can flow over the edge of the
cone located inside the cylinder.

In the 18th century were pushed for use of lemons in Europe. presumably this worked on the smasher potatoes model, being used as a lemon squeezer, an element with small holes where the juice could come out.
In the 18th century were pushed for use of lemons in Europe. presumably this worked on the smasher potatoes model, being used as a lemon squeezer, an element with small holes where the juice could come out.
The writer Jean Paul mentioned in 1798 "such lemon presser" I say if you do not at the minute every hour grape berry auskeltertet least with some lemon pushers - because at the end what would be?
The lemon squeezer creation put a quote from The daiary in the Vehfreude of Jeremias Gotthelf close to 1850 on the doubful customer traveling: This has been made poor devils often in such the lemon markets in example: there are in fact compressed into three different times to punch: the first time with the thumb, the second time with his fis, for the third time with a potato oppressors ". This quote clearly desccribes that the mechanical pressing is the ultimate expression of superior hand.
In England, the lemon squeezer was known in the second half of 19th century, a wide circulation in France was probably even later, that was the fact that they weren't mentioned in any dictionary.
As the main character
In Comics
In this post that i found in a politician blog FvA management, posted in 2009, it talks about the economical crisis in Spain, the traslation would be;
He says: I need you Mary of the anxieties
It says: I new you would be back, you socialists people have an incorrigible romanticism.
In Theater
In T.V.
Here we can see how the lemon squeezer is used in commercial ads in Television.
Object etymology
El exprimidor de limon Spanish
Espremedor de limão Portugues
Lemon squeezer English
Lo spremiagrumi Italian
Presse-citron French
Zitronenpresse German
citroenpers Dutch
عصارة الليمون Arabic
檸檬榨汁器 Chinese
檸檬榨汁器 Chinese
citron ždímací Czech
pampiga ng limon Filipino
wyciskacz Polish
storcător de lămâi Romanian
limonluk Turkish
Innovation and design (videos)
The Lekue lemon squeezer
Lemon squeezer by Kozio
The 'mysqueeze' designed by Roland Kreiter
The Callista lemon squeezer
by German design house Blomus
Juicy Salif Citrus Squeezer by Philippe Starck
Maquina exprime limones
Pneumatic Lemon Squeezer
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